God Said It! I Believe It! That Settles It!

My life is held together by God’s promises. There have been so many times in my life where God has spoken so clearly. In those times, I have to make sure I listen because I know I will have a decision to make. I can either take the word or promise He gives me and throw it over my shoulder, or I can stand on His word and believe it with all my heart. So often when I am faced with challenges, I revert back to His words and hold them up to God with Isaiah 55:10-11 in my mind and say, ” God YOU SAID….”. As I do this, a sense of determination comes over me to hold on to His word and promises like it is oxygen.

What do you think God’s response is?? I believe it is pride in His daughter standing on His word and realizing she is going to make it. He showers down strength, love, hope and peace. I am then energized and refocused on the solution and the answer to what I am crying out for. When we stand in a place of prayer declaring what God is already in the process of doing, we are pulling our future into our present. We don’t have to see the tangible answer in front of us, we need to see the promise God has made and hold Him to HIS word that what He has said He will do. As we align our hope to our faith it propels us into our destiny faster than if we just sit and wait for it to happen.

My husband spoke to the Fathers on Father’s Day last year at Destiny Christian Fellowship. It was a powerful word talking about us having to give God something for Him to work with. Here is the link to his message: We are made in His Awesome Image.

I know without a doubt that my husband and I would not be in the place we are in, especially with a growing and thriving business if we did not take a hold of God’s promises and declare them in the hard times. We give Him all the glory for the things He has done, what He is doing and what He will do!!


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