He is in your Present!

Yesterday for a brief moment there was a rainbow in the sky. For some of us who are Visionary/Builder/Type 2/Type 7 people, believing God’s promises for us may tend to focused on what God is going to do in the future, or do through us. It takes more effort on our part to imagine Who He Is To Us

Like me this morning, when the heart ache comes, my natural tendancy (more like defence mechanism) is to push it aside and immediately focus on what God has told He is going to do in the future. But, what He reminded me is that HE IS IN MY PRESENT!!!!!!!

He has never left me, He is right here, He will Never leave me. Past, present future. It’s easier to push the pain aside and keep walking, but if you are out there and this resonates with you, God is coming to stop you right where you are at and give you a giant bear hug. Allow Him to hold you, nestle right up on His shoulder and allow the comfort of the Holy Spirit who is with you tangibly now, to surround you with love, peace, mercy, grace, forgiveness, comfort and abiding joy. I’m doing just that right now as I type this and pray you can receive the same contentment in His presence that I am feeling. He is always here.

Typing this post, the song, “You hold it all together” by Maverick City is in my mind.

“Let your manner of life be without covetousness, being satisfied with the present; for He Himself has said:
“Never will I leave you,
never will I forsake you.”
6) So we are confident to say:
“The Lord is my helper, and I will not be afraid;
what shall man do to me?”

Hebrews 13:5-6

3 Steps to begin walking out your destiny

I saw this on the wall last night at a church. It made me catch my breath….. “There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few that will catch your heart…. Pursue those.”

This morning, the verse kept going through my mind in Jeremiah 1:12 ,” The LORD said to me, “You have seen well, for I am [actively] watching over My word to fulfill (perform) it.”

I can’t wait to begin pursuing the things God has placed on my heart. In the 1st chapter of Jeremiah he sees a twig of an almond branch. The almond tree is the first tree to bud around January. God is excited to watch over the words He has spoken to us and can’t wait to see us bud and produce the fruit that He had placed inside of us before we were even born. He knew us before we were in our mothers womb. We were hidden in Christ. He placed a destiny, giftings, and a specific mantel on us that only we will carry.

You are a gift to this world that God is waiting expectantly to see released. Where does it start?

It starts by Full Submission to Him. What does full submission look like?
1) Obedience to His word, read, study, memorize the Bible get it into your heart. Allow it to transform you to where it flows out of you like a river of water. Apply it to your life where you obey what it says. Keep away from evil, sin and anything that does not honor God. Ask God to give you a desire to live a pure and holy life unto Him. Romans 12:1 says, “present your body as a living sacrifice to God, holy and acceptable which is your reasonable service.

3 Steps to begin walking out your destiny

I have heard some Christians say, you can’t be holy, Jesus was God so he couldn’t sin. At times this is said to justify their own sin and make an excuse as to why they couldn’t stop themselves. But I tell you, Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. He had a choice whether or not he would sin. Otherwise, what was the purpose of Jesus being tempted by the devil in the wilderness? He had just finished fasting 40 days, he was weak and tired and the enemy tried to catch him at his lowest point to tempt him in all the things he needs or would he facing at the cross. Jesus refused and said, man shall not live on bread alone but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Jesus was tempted in all things Yet He did it sin. We are to be Holy as he is holy. 1 Peter 1:14-16 “As obedient children, do not conform to the passions of your former ignorance. 15But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, 16for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy” It’s not just an Old Testiment statement!


1) It starts with a Desire to please the Lord and live for him. We can ask him for that desire and he will give it to us. We can ask for strength to avoid giving into sin. In 1 Corinthians 10:13 Amplified it says,
No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy].

2) Seek His Face, not just his hand (what he can do for you). Seeking his presence by allowing ourselves to stop what we are doing and spend time with him. Stop, Wait on him and Listen to his voice. When Elijah went into the cave God didn’t speak in the wind, earthquake or fire, God spoke as a still small voice, a whisper. (1 Kings 19:13)

3) We need to be patient and cultivate that habit of waiting on Him, listening to His voice, then responding to it in Obedience. It doesnt matter if it is a verse he wants you to look up, a person he wants you to pray for, or someone you are to give something to physically or a word of encouragement. The simple act of taking His word to heart, honoring it and obeying it will open your ears even wider to hear the Lord quicker and clearer next time! When we respond to His word, it sharpens our awareness of the Holy Spirit, till it gets stronger and stronger and you doubt less and less that you can hear His voice. That is when you have the confidence to step out in boldness even when you don’t think your are ready or prepared. That’s when the anointing of God that had been poured out in the secret place of seeking His face flows out of you to others.

Here are 2 easy to understand messages about your Destiny and God’s Mantel on your life from Doug Lasit, Senior Pastor of The Pearl Church in Denver, Colorado. He is a man of God I have respected since he was my Youth pastor back in the late 90’s at City Bible Church (now Mannahouse) in Portland, Oregon. I hope these messages bring understanding to why you are alive in this place and time.

Sunday Service March 5, 2023 https://www.youtube.com/live/aVDeUxUWdAY?feature=share

Sunday Service March 12, 2023 https://www.youtube.com/live/jAM84DPvC18?feature=share

Isn’t it incredible!

Isn’t it incredible to think that in the last week over 25,000 people came to #Asbury to magnify our savior. To spend time with him instead of spending time in front of a computer or phone, or bar or strip club or pornography site, or movie theater or any other activity they might have chosen to do.

Isn’t it incredible that no matter what was shared from the microphone or song that was sung that the whole Focus was on worshiping Jesus and lifting him up in honor and reverence.
Isn’t it amazing that America has an opportunity to experience the love of God and a new way. Isn’t it amazing that we can be God’s hands and feet no matter who we are. I’m so thankful that when we get to heaven there will be no finger pointing or judgment but that we can all worship God for the rest of Eternity without being scrutinized. Can you imagine all the different denominations in heaven standing side by side worshiping without a label or a title. Worshiping right next to people who might have slandered you or judged you. Worshipping the same God with all our heart and soul.

I’m so thankful that worship can begin right in my home or car or wherever I am. Because He is worthy. I don’t have the right to judge anyone for how they worship if it’s different than mine. That’s their responsibility between them and God. How they worship doesn’t affect my life or my devotion to God. I don’t have to be cautioned for how they worship or how I worship.
I just want to laugh for so many of the comments I’ve seen. I’m so thankful for what God has done in my life this last year. I would not have made it without pressing into the presence of God and experiencing his love and peace. Sometimes hurting people just need that. They don’t need a sermon or someone preaching at them. The presence of God can do more healing than a hundred sermons. I’m not saying in any way that sermons are not important because they are and I believe that with my whole heart. I know the Word of God has become my daily manna this year.

I need new food each day from the Word to live. The Bible has become In Living Color. I’m watching it be displayed right in front of my eyes everyday, The Good The Bad and ugly. The word of God and His promises in the Bible are the only truth I can stand on. They are the only hope I can put my confidence in. I’m thankful for teachers/preachers who can teach the word and allow it to go deep in my heart and help me know better how to live.
I also know that there are many hurts and wounds that go so deep that is going to require time to heal. As much as we want that healing to move quickly, trauma is very real and it’s affects go down deep into our soul. I’m thankful there are counselors and therapies out there that take people through those deep important steps of healing. Community is so important.

Someone told me that just turning on worship music doesn’t fix everything. That’s true, but that’s definitely the place I personally start as well as, going to God and making sure my heart is right and I’m living in purity before Him. I pray this week that Across the Nation there will be a desire for God like we’ve never experienced before. A desire to live in holiness before Him so we can be an example of the hands and feet and mouthpiece of Jesus to a world who has had their sin debt paid for and don’t even know it.

Lord Spread It to America and Every Country #asburycollegerevival #asburyuniversity #asburycollegerevival #asburyrevival2023 #awakening #visitation #genz #jesuslovesyou

Update on the Asbury Visitation

I listened to a video by Rick Curry who’s been doing a lot of on the ground broadcasting about what’s happening in Asbury. He’s talked to the president of the college few times.
The town of Wilmore has a population of 6,000 people. There’s about half that amount on the campus of people coming in from all over the state, country and the world. It’s incredible the hunger of people who stand in line just to get into 1 of now 4 buildings. The most exciting thing is hearing that the hunger is spreading from City to City. Right now Rick Curry said that people can’t even get into the town of Wilmore. It’s packed. I can’t even imagine what the hospitality industry is experiencing right now because they were not prepared for anything like this, as well.
There is another city close by with a large meeting area that Rick talked about. Not sure if that will open up soon. I can’t imagine on a college campus where they still have to hold classes because not every single student is in every meeting and they’re paying to go to the college. Knowing that there is reality of even simple things like cleaning up the chapel and providing bathrooms and food. To watch some of the videos that Rick is posted with people walking up and down to those who are waiting in line and handing out sandwiches to them while they’re standing out in the cold snow to get in the building. That’s amazing. I have heard of a food cart just cooking and donating as a sigh of love and service.
Here is the link to Rick Curry’s post where he shows the line and the town and the church. (disclaimer, I don’t know who he is or what his ministry or beliefs are. I have been listening to his unbiased reports about Asbury) https://fb.watch/iN0nlpCAdj/?mibextid=RUbZ1f

My prayers is that every city would begin to experience this hunger. But it also requires locations to provide space and time for God to move outside of a one or two hour church service. It’ll be very exciting to see what happens in the coming days who’s going to respond to the call of this Awakening that is happening in our country.

It’s been so exciting in my own heart to see God starting to move in our country. It’s way more peaceful than focusing on challenging seasons of life. But I think that’s the key, bringing God into our challenging seasons. We don’t have to go to Kentucky, we can worship God as we’re watching the dishes or getting ready for the day or driving in the car. We just have to turn our eyes and hearts to Him.

What we’re seeing is people wanting to be in God’s presence and sacrificing their time in life to press into that. They know there is nothing flashy in the flesh but the glory of God is what is shining!
In Jeremiah 29:13-14 Amplified version it says “Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ says the LORD, ‘and I will restore your fortunes and I will [free you and] gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ says the LORD, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.’

Are we seeking Him every day? When we do, we notice a change in our own heart and life. Does it mean everything is going to be easy? No, it just means that we know where our source of strength and peace is. It’s found through the veil that was Ripped in two when Jesus died on the cross, it is found in the holy holies that we can approach the throne of grace with boldness and confidence because of the blood of Jesus that covers Us.

Wow! I don’t want to forget, one of the most incredible things that Rick talked about in his last video was that there is a church up the road from the Asbury campus that is opened its doors around the clock for people to come for food and prayer. That my friends, is unity. That is the body of Christ being the body. I’d love to hear of other churches in that area who are doing the same thing. The Bible is very clear when it says where there is Unity there is a commanded blessing
(Ps 133:1-3)
I want to see every Church in our nation come together with one heart with no agenda of trying to outdo the other, no jealousy no envy no strife, let’s put Jesus as a center and give him the glory.
He said if I am lifted up then I will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32)
It’s time to lift him up. It can start with a pure and hungry heart in your own City, home and church. Let it spread!

This is an incredible behind the scenes look at how the Asbury student worship teams prepare! Check this out! https://www.facebook.com/100064269926942/posts/576153857870273/?mibextid=Nif5oz

#visitation #awakening #Asbury #AsburyRevival #asburycollegerevival #asburyrevival2023

Asbury University Visitation beautiful display of 2 Chronicles 7:14

From the beginning, what has taken place at #Asbury has started in Humility. “If my people will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and Turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven I’ll forgive their sins and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

What happened in Asbury took place in a prayer room then led to a chapel service. A hunger in the students that led to the Holy Spirit bringing conviction to sins, public repentance and a heart for worship that has not stopped. These are the earmarks of what I have heard and I’ve had a good friend there in person to confirm.

The fact that they’re are no special/famous speakers or flashy worship is not a condemnation against those things. What the faculty and students have said is that there are no celebrities here except Jesus! Jesus is King! That is something we don’t expect to hear and see going into a service where the Holy Spirit is moving. This non-stop worship service is, in some circles reserved, but it’s not just worship that is drawing people. It is the hunger. Revival starts with hunger. There’s a hunger to seek the Lord. Those who come are sitting on a wooden bench for hours with no words on the screen of the songs, and no agenda. They are coming to experience the presence of God that they might not have ever felt before.

There’s transformation happening in that room in the hearts of people. Having students lead from the platform without worship lists, leading with a heart of love and Desire to be with Jesus. I think we can get so wrapped up in words of Revival or Movement or Awakening. Without a doubt this last week has been one that has shown America we want Jesus here! We want His presence we want to feel his love. It shows America there are Christians that are hungry for more than what we have been experiencing.

🔥Revival starts with hunger and is sustained by humility. HUMILITY is the Hallmark of what we are witnessing at Asbury. The fact that they don’t recognize or acknowledge many famous pastors and leaders who have sat in the congregation is commendable. Heaven won’t be doing that either. All of our eyes and focus will be on God. That in no way says that famous leaders are doing something wrong by fulfilling God’s call on their life. They are just having a service and overlooking the title and position of other ministers, allowing God to be the focus.

It’s wonderful that the worship songs that are being sung are those that might be older so people know it and don’t need words on the screen. Sometimes it’s hard to go to a service and all the songs that are sung are super complicated and long and hard to remember. It doesn’t matter the songs that are sung, it matters the heart of Purity they are sung with. The Lord is enthroned on the Praises of his people! He is being enthroned around the world in a fresh way as people everywhere are tuning in to live streams. What a beautiful time of refreshing when the body of Christ comes together in unity in one place. Where there is Unity there is a commanded Blessing.
Last night in their service they said don’t just come here and get fat and keep it all yourselves. You need to take what you received here and go out and spread it to the city in your community. They want what God has done in that place to impact our nation. That is where transformation starts to take place, outside of the walls.
Humility-Hunger-Repentance-God is Glorified!

Want to learn more just click on one of the hashtags below and you will see tons of videos and hear testimonies. You will be revived and renewed. Do it all over God!

Yesterday I started studying Jeremiah 33:3. It fits so perfectly what is going on.

‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’

קְרָ֥א (qə·rā
Verb – Qal – Imperative – masculine singular
Strong’s 7121: To call, proclaim, read

to Me
אֵלַ֖י (’ê·lay)
Preposition | first person common singular
Strong’s 413: Near, with, among, to

and I will answer
וְאֶעֱנֶ֑ךָּ (wə·’e·‘ĕ·ne·kā)
Conjunctive waw | Verb – Qal – Conjunctive imperfect Cohortative if contextual – first person common singular | second person masculine singular
Strong’s 6030: To answer, respond

and show
וְאַגִּ֧ידָה (wə·’ag·gî·ḏāh)
Conjunctive waw | Verb – Hifil – Conjunctive imperfect Cohortative – first person common singular
Strong’s 5046: To be conspicuous

לְּךָ֛ (lə·ḵā)
Preposition | second person masculine singular
Strong’s Hebrew

גְּדֹל֥וֹת (gə·ḏō·lō·wṯ)
Adjective – feminine plural
Strong’s 1419: Great, older, insolent

and unsearchable things
וּבְצֻר֖וֹת (ū·ḇə·ṣu·rō·wṯ)
Conjunctive waw | Adjective – feminine plural
Strong’s 1219: To cut off, make inaccessible, enclose

you do not
לֹ֥א (lō)
Adverb – Negative particle
Strong’s 3808: Not, no

יְדַעְתָּֽם׃ (yə·ḏa‘·tām)
Verb – Qal – Perfect – second person masculine singular | third person masculine plural
Strong’s 3045: To know

Let’s lift up our voices and allow our hearts to join with thousands around the world who are humbly pray seeking God’s face, repenting and turning from our wicked ways. God come heal our land!

Will You Agree Together With Me? Let’s Pray:

God move across our country with a level of hunger as well as a passion for righteousness and a life lived in holy reverence and worship to God. Let all the secret sins that so easily ensnare us to be revealed by the Holy spirit, conviction to come and true repentance which is turning and walking the opposite direction.

Let there be a generation of men who rise up and say, I will not allow my eyes to look at porn, I will love my wife and concecrate myself to her as Christ loved the church and laid His life down for it. Let there be father’s to teach their children the love of Father God and the truth of the word of God. Let a generation of mother’s Arise who interceded over her husband and children till the destiny that God ordained before the foundation of the world is released through them. Let these women not be afraid to pursue God with abandonment even if their husbands think they are too passionate for God.

Let there be a generation of children who know there is No Jr. Holy Spirit. That they can approach the throne of God with boldness in prayer and worship and lay hands on the sick and see them healed. Let a generation of youth Arise who say they are drawing a line in the sand and stepping into the call of God on their lives with abandonment.

Let all those not married be like Paul and Live every moment of their lives sold out to help see Heaven invade Earth in every mountain of influence they are apart of.

Jesus, Let your Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven. Here we are Lord, Send us! Release your Holy Spirit in a new measure. Let every well of Revival around the USA be unplugged, dig it out and drill even deeper so a well that will never run dry will be released over this land! Now is the time. Let the hunger burn. Let our churches experience a purging of fire and repentance from the top to the bottom. Let there be a freedom to worship with abandonment. Let there be a release of the gifts of the spirit.

Release the prophetic, release the apostles, release the evangelists, raise up a new generation of Pastor’s who will be willing to lay their lives down for the sheep and be willing to disciple and raise up new leaders. Raise up teachers who will teach the Meat of the word and not just hand out bottles of milk for the congregation to suck on. Let a burning passion for the word of God be birthed by teachers who reveal God ls truth and principles and how to apply them to our lives. Come Lord we need you!

#AsburyRevival #asburycollegerevival #asburyuniversity #kentucky #awakening #renewal #repentance #holiness #worship

Can We Trust Him?

Do you Trust Me?
This can seem like one of the scariest questions God could ask us. We might have an automatic response to say yes, on the other hand the reality of what he might be asking us to give up is massive. Are we willing to give up the little that we have in our hand to God believing that he will supply everything we need? We’ve grown up saying Jehovah Jireh is my provider but when asked to give up the last bits of oil and flour to make a loaf of bread, would we respond like the Widow with Elijah?

To me, it’s interesting to read the first sentence of this story, it said the brook had dried up because there had been no rain in the land. No rain and no brook means – no water to the crops for wheat or the Olive Tree for oil. If you’re in business that can mean no customers and no sales. I know what that’s like. As a business owner it can bring a sense of panic wondering where your supply is going to come from.

Elijah the prophet asked the widdow of Zarephath bring him some water and also a little cake of bread. He didn’t first tell her if you do this, then it will never run dry. He just asked her to do something for him. She didn’t reply with a happy heart, “Sure no problem, I’ll go do that for you.” She pleaded with him that it’s all that they had left for just themselves to eat then they would die. It shows her desperation.

The response of the Widow of Zarephath shows that they must of hardly had any food or oil for quite a while. She must have been scraping by to only have a little bit left to say they would make their food then die. It shows they were already in starvation mode with no other hope of getting nutrients. She was a widow who only had her son left. A son that meant the world to her who she had been taking care of for who knows how long on her own. She had to be a very very hard working woman and loved her son very much. Why would she take the last bit of food out of his mouth and give it to a stranger?

She said all she had left was a “handful of flour in a jar and a little bit of oil left”. A handful of flour is probably around a half a cup maybe a little bit more. To make a small loaf of bread in my bread machine it takes three cups of flour for a small 1.5lb loaf. So a third of that is just a few slices. But hers was unleavened, no yeast bread, so it meant if she only used oil and flour that is a very hard dense small loaf that does not fluff up like ours. Just to put that in perspective it was a very tiny meal left that she would share with her son.

After she shared her desperate heartcry with Elijah he said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son. 14 For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.’”

It’s no surprise that he told her Don’t Be Afraid!

Oh, the faith and obedience of that woman! She didn’t give out of her abundance, she gave out of her lack. She was sowing into a field the last of her seeds in hope of a harvest. Her obedience not only provided for her and her son but also for the man of God who stayed with her for a time.

Can you imagine how she could have shared the testimony of this miracle with the town around her? How God is miraculously providing for her. Or did she keep it to herself so her neighbors didn’t come and try to take what she had as well. It is very interesting because it was enough for her, her son and Elijah. I wonder what would have happened if she tried to give it away and if it still would have been replenished. Interesting thought to ponder.

BUT! This isn’t the end to the story. That wasn’t the last of her calamities. Her son got sick and died while Elijah was staying with them.
Verse 17. Some time later the son of the woman who owned the house became ill. He grew worse and worse, and finally stopped breathing. 18. She said to Elijah, “What do you have against me, man of God? Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?”

It’s so interesting how quickly she forgot the miracle God was continuing to do for her household by supplying her with flour and oil.

It can be so easy, even after receiving a blessing from God to quickly question his goodness and promises by allowing fear and doubt to slip in. Just like the children of Israel did in the wilderness, when they quickly forgot all the Miracles that God did for them and complained. I love how the Bible shows our raw humanity and struggles of faith.

19“Give me your son,” Elijah replied. He took him from her arms, carried him to the upper room where he was staying, and laid him on his bed. 20Then he cried out to the Lord, “Lord my God, have you brought tragedy even on this widow I am staying with, by causing her son to die?” 21Then he stretched himself out on the boy three times and cried out to the Lord, “Lord my God, let this boy’s life return to him!”

22The Lord heard Elijah’s cry, and the boy’s life returned to him, and he lived. 23Elijah picked up the child and carried him down from the room into the house. He gave him to his mother and said, “Look, your son is alive!”

24Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth.”

The only risk in giving it all to God, when he asks, is absolutely nothing! We can trust Him.

God owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalms 50, wow that is quite a passage. I will let you read it so I don’t offend anyone!) If we sell our little bit of cattle on our hill it’s not the end. God owns the cattle on all the other hills and he will supply every need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Phillipines 4:19.

Trusting God should be the easiest thing in our life to do. He has shown himself faithful over and over and over again. We might think we have the best plan that will get us the best result, but in Isaiah 55:9 it says that God’s ways are higher than our ways his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We can make a plan, but it’s the Lord who directs our steps. Prob 16:9

Commit your works to the LORD [submit and trust them to Him], And your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance]. Proverbs 16:3

If we are walking step by step living in purity before God, acknowledging his ways and following his paths, He will guide us and provide for our needs. He’s a good God who loves us so much. Doesn’t mean that this life is going to be easy but it means that he has our back and will take care of us. We can trust Him!

1 Kings 17:7-16
New International Version
Elijah and the Widow at Zarephath
7 Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. 8 Then the word of the Lord came to him: 9 “Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed a widow there to supply you with food.” 10 So he went to Zarephath. When he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering sticks. He called to her and asked, “Would you bring me a little water in a jar so I may have a drink?” 11 As she was going to get it, he called, “And bring me, please, a piece of bread.”

12 “As surely as the Lord your God lives,” she replied, “I don’t have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.”

13 Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son. 14 For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.’”

15 She went away and did as Elijah had told her. So there was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family. 16 For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah.

Testimonies are carved in the Darkest Valley

It is in the darkest valley where our testimony is carved. Every twist and turn (what we do, what is done to us and how we respond to it) is a pathway that will become our story.
If we “Choose” in that time to cling with our spirit and soul (mind, will & emotions) to Jesus, trusting and not doubting His words……we will see the deliverance of our God in ways that will astound us!

The flooding waters of God will come and fill every crack, twist and turn till that valley becomes a mighty rushing river. Making streams in the desert and an oasis for those in a dry and parched land.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are saved. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Prov 18:10

So they will fear the name of the LORD from the west And His glory from the rising of the sun. For He will come in like a narrow, rushing stream Which the breath of the LORD drives [overwhelming the enemy]. Isaiah 59:19

The Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing. – Isaiah 51:3

I realized I have never copied this to my website blog . I had written this in April 2022 on my Live Life Out Loud For God Facebook page.

I will never forget writing this post after I took my kids to school about 1 month after we told our kids that my husband wanted a divorce. I’ll never forget pulling over on the side of the street weeping and crying out to God. I didn’t want to go home, I just wanted to be by myself and in my car. It’s in those times of deep anguish crying out to God where we can identify in the tiniest bit what Jesus went through in the Garden of Gethsemane. When we pour out to God in our deepest anguish he hears us and he responds to us.

This picture and word was God’s gift to me that day. It gave me such hope for my future that had completely been shattered of what I thought it would ever be. There’s nothing like spending time in God’s presence and allowing him to hold us and speak healing life back into us. I’m so thankful he speaks to us in the valley. Time for the rivers of heaven to flood us!

Abandoned & Rejected? Jesus Understands

When the enemy comes and reminds you in detail of your rejection, betrayal and abandonment…it’s a way to ruin a good day. When that happened to me, I started to look up verses on how Jesus understands what rejection and betrayal feels like! The Bible & Prayer alone breaks the power of the enemy to spiral thoughts and emotions out of control.

There is Power in applying the truth of the word of God! I’m so thankful we don’t have to walk this life alone. Here are some truths found from my short study. 💡

Isaiah 53:3
He was despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and pain and acquainted with grief; And like One from whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we did not appreciate His worth or esteem Him.

Mark 14:10-11
10Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve [disciples], went to the chief priests to betray Jesus to them. 11When they heard this they were delighted, and promised to give him money. And he began looking for an opportune time to betray Jesus.

Mark 14:66-72 Amplified version
While Peter was down below in the courtyard, one of the servant-girls of the high priest came,
67and when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked intently at him and said, “You were with Jesus the Nazarene, too.”
68But he denied it, saying, “I neither know nor understand what you are talking about.” Then he went out [of the courtyard] to the porch, [q][and a rooster crowed.]
69The servant-girl saw him, and began once more to tell the bystanders, “This [man] is one of them.”
70But again he denied it. After a little while, the bystanders again said to Peter, “You are in fact one of them, for [it is clear from your accent, that] you are a Galilean, too.”
71But he began to [r]invoke a curse [on himself] and to swear [an oath], “I do not know this man you are talking about!”
72Immediately a rooster crowed the second time. And Peter remembered what Jesus said to him: “Before a rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.” And thinking of this, he began weeping [in anguish].

😱In the Amplified Version it describes VS 71: In Judaism such a curse took the form of “May I always be afflicted if I am not being truthful,” or “May I bury my son if…,” or “May I never see the comfort of Zion and Jerusalem if…,” etc. (as found in the Talmud).

THAT IS A MASSIVE DENIAL FROM PETER when you hear it in that context! Jesus knew when he told Peter that he would deny him the level of that denial. Yet Jesus showed unconditional love to him. Absolutely shocking to realize what Jesus actually felt.

Mark 15:19-20
They kept beating Him on the head with a [c]reed and spitting on Him, and kneeling and bowing in [mock] homage to Him. 20After they had mocked Him, they took off the purple robe and put His own clothes on Him. And they led Him out [of the city] to crucify Him.

ALL OF THAT TO SAY THIS! ❤️Hebrews 4:15-16
For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and understand our weaknesses and temptations, but One who has been tempted [knowing exactly how it feels to be human] in every respect as we are, yet without [committing any] sin.
16Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].

JESUS GETS IT! HE UNDERSTANDS US. HE is the only one to heal and bind up our wounds. What a treasure of peace He brings.

Image from the movie The Chosen
(if you haven’t seen it, you are missing out!)
Click here to watch the free episodes

🙏Let’s Pray🙏
Jesus, thank you for loving us through it All. Thank you for the sacrifice you made coming to Earth even though you knew what was going to happen to you. Thank you for taking our wounded hearts and putting them upon your own heart. Thank you Jesus that you have power over every attack of the enemy that will come against our mind, hearts and souls (our mind, will and emotions) . Thank you that anytime the enemy comes against us, like a flood you will lift up a standard against him. There is power in your blood so we can declare over our lives that every chain of bondage that the enemy wants to keep us in is broken in the mighty name of Jesus. We declare your peace over our minds and hearts. We declare your peace over our homes. We declare a sound mind. That perfect love destroys all fear. Thank you Jesus that there is nothing too difficult that we can walk through that you don’t understand. We acknowledge our dependence upon you. You are source for everything we need. In Jesus name amen!

Beauty from Battered Rocks

After 4 weeks of tumbling these rocks from the beach they turned out beautiful.

OK it’s illustration time….. In Jeremiah 1 it says before I formed you in the womb I knew you , before you were born I Sanctified you, set you apart. I ordained you as a prophet to the Nations. Jeremiah said, who am I Lord? I’m just a youth! God said you will go to all those I command you and whatever I tell you you will speak. Do not be ashamed before them.

Here we go…. last year as I walked on the beach there would be times a rock caught my attention and I had to pick it up. What made that rock different from any other Rock? It was one that grabbed me and I chose it. If we only knew what God sees when he looks down at us even as were being formed in our mother’s womb. He knows every day that we will ever have. He knows every Victory and special moment. He knows every heartache and sees every tear. He calls us and gives us a destiny before we’re even born.

As we go through life we go through our own rock tumbler. In a tumbler there are four seasons (levels of grit) .The first one is coarse you add water to it with the rocks. It tumbles around for about 5 days. Afterwards they are nice but not all the way there yet. The poor things have to go back through another season. The next level of grit is added this time a extra agitation is added to the grit. It goes through another 5 days of even more intense rubbing against the grit. After that you take them out and rinse again add a little bit finer level of grit with an agitator like ceramic Pebbles. Five more days till the last level of grit is added which is almost like a powder. 5 more days till you open that canister and you look at these rocks who have gone through 20 days of being tossed around over and over endlessly with things pushing up against them.

They probably would have thought, “Hey I’m fine you can stop. I’m good enough the way I am.”
But the master wasn’t done yet. He knew there was another level of beauty under there. Those rocks have no power to get out from underneath that Tumblr and run away. Haha! They’re STUCK!
But after that last cycle, they are rinsed off and laid out to be displayed and shine in all their Glory.

There are so many times in life where we think we’re going through the hardest of season of our life, like when I had toddlers I didn’t think I was going to survive. That was the hardest time of being a parent for me. Until the teenage years which have been okay for the most part. But there’s deep emotional aspects that I never encountered with my toddlers.

Its been incredible to surrender myself to God’s process. All I can say is, thank you Jesus for your mercy and grace and tenderness as I’ve submitted myself to the process of being healed and refined through Him. to God be the glory.

If we choose to run away from the process, stay hidden in a cave, we will miss out on the treasure that God wants to bring out of us. This is where we, submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you (and all the layers of crud with him)

I Pet 2:9
You are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A CONSECRATED NATION, A [special] PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies [the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections] of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Intimacy = Into Me See

This Sunday as our pastor was sharing a message he kept using the word intimacy. I shared with my teenagers what I had learned about that word.
Another way to look at the word INTIMACY is:
Into Me See.

It’s a place of vulnerability with God where we allow Him to look inside of us and see who we really are. At the same time it’s where we look into God’s heart and see who He really is. We need to be vulnerable with God allowing Him to search us like in
Psalms 139:23-24
“Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart; Test me and know my anxious thoughts and see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.

As He looks into me and I look into Him, as our eyes meet, our hearts will get closer to that intimacy we long for.